New item is added to assortment of TM “Nezhin” – “Green peas”

Assortment of TM “Nezhin” is filled with a long-awaited new item “green peas” 425 ml. Delicate flavor, sweet and young peas is a perfect as an ingredient of various salads and as a garnish.

Canned peas preserve its taste, healthy and nutritional properties. Although this delicious vegetable is extremely popular, not everyone knows how its consumption has a beneficial effect on human health. Green peas are rich in micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, iodine, zinc, iron, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, D, E, A, PP). By incorporating in your diet peas it can reduce cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancer formations to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Due to the content of antioxidants and saturated fat, peas help maintain youth and beauty. Moreover peas considered a natural stimulator of immune and brain activity, medicine against anemia and exhaustion.

Interestingly that peas cultivated in Ancient China and India. If in ancient Rome and Greece peas was mainly food of the poor people then during Renaissance in France it was always present on the royal table and members of high society. However, no country in the world has such national recognition of this wonderful vegetable, how in the countries of the CIS.

“Green peas” of TM “Nezhin” – quality, natural, extremely useful and tasty product. With it the festive salads will be delicious and your daily meals balanced.